Fear is your Friend

Most people are aware of the 'fight or flight' syndrome. A lecture on stress is usually accompanied by references to the 'lizard brain' and the negative effects on our ability to learn or think clearly. This leads to a discussion of coping mechanisms we can use 'in the moment'. I...

When Dividing Your Attention Matters

I hate Cirque du Soleil shows...almost as much as I love them. It's not uncommon for me to leave a show feeling both exhilarated and frustrated. If you've seen one, you'll understand what I mean when I say there's too much going on to take it all in! While you commonly...

Method or Business Acumen? I’ll take acumen every time

Over the last two years I’ve observed a growing number of ‘change managers’ who are ill-equipped to do the job. Clients tell me the same thing: “There are too many people who have taken a change management course and think they can lead a change effort.” In fact, few are...

2017: The Year of Choice

As we watch 2016 come to a close, there has been a lot of focus on the tragedy and bad news that characterized the year. In my home province of Alberta, there is much lament about the volume of layoffs punctuated by a horrific fire in Ft. McMurray. As emotional...

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